How To Add reCAPTCHA To Forms in WordPress & Blogger

reCAPTCHA is one of the most popular ways to enhance site security.By adding this you can prevent password abuse and spam by automated softwares.
reCAPTCHA is a free service from Google that helps protect websites from spam and abuse by distinguishing users from automated robots. Using machine learning and advanced risk analysis, it is a more advanced version of the traditional CAPTCHA system.
The Turing testing is a method to determine if a computer can exhibit human-like behaviour. This type of behaviour is reviewed by reCAPTCHA and is commonly used to prevent abuse of the registration, contact form, or comments section.There are several types of CAPTCHA checks available, from an actual image or a simple checkbox. This article will explain how the different types of tests work and how to install them on your site. 

How Does reCAPTCHA Work ?

The reCAPTCHA verification process uses artificial intelligence (AI) to recognize human behaviour that bots cannot track. The tests must be passed by any user, regardless of age, gender, education level or language.

All CAPTCHA's are automated so that the computer program can score the test without human intervention. For this reason, tests are constantly evolving as AI CAPTCHA's and malicious bots become more advanced.

Traditional CAPTCHA verification works by forcing users to solve tests before allowing access. CAPTCHA tests use random letters and numbers, twisting them in a way that is difficult for automated programs to translate. In the past, this was enough to prevent, as bots would have a hard time recognizing these garbled letters or numbers.

However, more advanced bots have been developed, with the ability to quickly solve traditional CAPTCHA's using algorithms trained in pattern recognition. The traditional CAPTCHA's were later replaced by more sophisticated tests in the form of reCAPTCHA v1.

These reCAPTCHA tests used a computer-generated word and garbled text through images from old books or articles. However, this version is no longer available because it is too easy for bots and too difficult for users.

reCAPTCHA v2 followed, hoping to provide more sophisticated tests to stop bots while still being solvable by humans. This updated reCAPTCHA test requires users to select an image that matches the theme or tick a box next to text that says "I'm not a robot".

An even newer version - reCAPTCHA v3 - aims to avoid disrupting the user experience. This release limits user interaction by scoring based on the user's history and current behaviour. The computers then determine the user's score on the preliminary Turing test.

Site owners can have three score-based responses: grant access, block users, or deploy reCAPTCHA v2. The two tests available for this approach are reCAPTCHA images and reCAPTCHA checkboxes.


The reCAPTCHA image recognition test uses 9 or 16 lower-resolution real images in the form of squares. Above these images, users will find instructions displayed on the image section to choose from. For example, the guide might ask the user to select all locations with crosswalks or fire hydrants.Once the user has selected the squares, the computer program compares the answer with the other answers. If the user's answer matches the answers of most other users, they will pass the test. The test presents images that people see every day and can easily recognize. While even advanced bots will have difficulty selecting objects from low resolution images.

This test is also available in an audio version, making it accessible to visually impaired users. The audio test will pronounce random letters and numbers using distorted sounds, prompting the user to respond by entering text.

Checkbox reCAPTCHA

The user does not need to settle or realize anything to pass the reCAPTCHA checkbox. Just check the box next to the sentence that says "I'm not a robot".This test distinguishes humans from robots by tracking the movement of the cursor as it approaches the checkbox. Even users with the most steady hands will exhibit some randomness in cursor movement, even on a microscopic level. In general, bots will not be able to imitate this type of movement, but prefer to act in a straight line. If the cursor movement indicates that the user is human, a green check mark will appear when the box is clicked.

In addition to tracking cursor movements, this test also evaluates the history and HTTP cookies present in the web browser.

Pros and Cons of reCAPTCHA

reCAPTCHA helps to prevent bots from spamming website pages. It will always be beneficial to install this test to protect your site if you have open registration and comment sections.

However, the system does feature certain disadvantages as well. Here are some of the pros and cons of using reCAPTCHA on your site.

reCAPTCHA proactively protects website integrity by preventing spam, abuse and data theft by bots.Here are some of the key benefits of using reCAPTCHA:
  • Free. Everyone can use this service free of charge.
  • Security. The test protects websites from spam, fraud, and abuse. This test is a very effective additional layer of security for websites with sign-up forms and comment sections.
  • Options. There are different types of tests available and an option to use various tests for different kinds of forms.
  • Integrity. Help protect the integrity of your site by avoiding attacks that might spread malware or redirect your visitors to malicious sites.
  • Time. Save time by only providing services to real users. The test prevents bots from overflowing your business or comment section with fake users.
  • Adaptive. As bots become more advanced, reCAPTCHA constantly adjusts its tests using a machine learning algorithm. This way, reCAPTCHA tests can adapt to what the bots are capable of doing.
While reCAPTCHA offers different options and ways to protect a site from spam and abuse, this test is not without flaws. Here are some disadvantages of using the tool:
  • User experience. The test interrupts the flow of what a user is trying to do, possibly resulting in a negative user experience. The test might even cause visitors to abandon the site altogether.
  • Efficacy. Some bots can fool some of the older reCAPTCHA tests.

Installation Guide

Installing reCAPTCHA can be done in various ways, manually or using a WordPress plugin. Before setting up an experiment, there are also a few things to consider, such as the type and location of the test.

There are different types of reCAPTCHA tests. Choose the type that best suits your site. We recommend looking at your visitors and the type of test that best suits their user experience. Next, think about where you want to add the test. reCAPTCHA services are often available in conjunction with online forms, such as registration or contact pages. Knowing the test location in advance will make the setup process easier.

Step 1 :

With any reCAPTCHA installation, the first step is to obtain the API key pair from the reCAPTCHA admin panel.
There, fill out the form according to your site needs:
  • The Label can be anything you want and used to differentiate your reCAPTCHA's.
  • Select the reCAPTCHA type that you want to use on your website.
  • It is possible to add more than one website. This can be done under the Domains section.
  • As a Google tool, the email under Owners will automatically be selected to your Gmail account. You may change or add more email addresses if necessary
After filling in the form, click on the submit button. Google will generate the site key and secret key. Use the site key in your site's HTML code and the secret key to communicate between your site and the reCAPTCHA.

Once you have the site key and secret key, the next step is to start the installation process.

Step 2 :

One of the ways to install reCAPTCHA manually is by using a PHP or HTML file. The first step is to access the root folder of your website. Then add the following code in the header of your form’s PHP or HTML file, preferably after the “title” line:


<scriptsrc="" async defer></script>
On the same file, paste the following code inside the form, before the submit line:
<div class="g-recaptcha" data sitekey="your_site_key"></div>

reCAPTCHA v3 - Badge

<script async="async" defer="defer" src=""></script>
On the same file, paste the following code inside the form, before the submit line:
<script async="async" defer="defer">function onClick(e){e.preventDefault();grecaptcha.ready(function(){grecaptcha.execute('your_site_key',{action:'//submit.form'}).then(function(token){// Add your logic to submit to your backend server here.});});}</script>

Change your_site_key with the Site Key from Google. Make sure to keep the key inside the quotation marks.

Step 3 :

  • Go-to Domain DNS records Manager,
  • Add the secret key to the DNS records,
  • Click On Manage DNS records,
  • Create TXT. record with name data-sitekey,
  • Now add your secret key under TXT value,
  • Click on the Add Record button.


So today we have discussed about How To Add reCAPTCHA To Forms in WordPress & Blogger. I hope you like this post kindly do give a comment below. If you are having problem in implementing this kindly contact me. Do visit regularly for getting more updates like this.
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