How to Create a Password Protected Page/Post in Blogger?

This tutorial will help you  to create a password protected page on your Blogger blog. Learn how to protect bloggers' static pages with a defined password. And how do I set up a password protected page?

Can I add a password to protect certain pages? Password Protected page is only possible in WordPress Blog but what about Blogger? 

When I first started learning blogs in 2019, the most popular platform was bloggers. However, because of its simplicity and few features, many people switch to WordPress after a few years. Most of the problems can be solved with a little research on the internet that Blogger is still limited in many ways. I'm new to Blogger and don't want to switch any time soon! 

We tried to protect multiple pages from restricting visitor visits, but the Blogger platform has no way to protect this. This is because Blogger doesn't have a plugin to protect specific pages. You will need to add a password to your entire blog or make your blog private. Therefore, our main goal is not achieved. On our WordPress blog, we saw how blog owners use passwords on secure pages to deliver exclusive content to their VIP subscribers. Let's say you've written an ebook and now you want to deliver that ebook to your blog by subscription only. 

In this case, you cannot restrict all visitors' access to Blogger. In this case, the password-protected page works like a charm. This is because without a password, your blog subscribers will not be able to access your content pages. 

Therefore, password protection is required. You can increase the number of blog subscribers and exclusive content is protected from public access.

How to Secure a page on your Blog with a Password?

A password is required to unlock shared blog content, even if the page is marked as "published". You can then share your password with your newsletter subscribers. You can log in to see new content every day.

Simply follow the instructions below to build a password protected page.

Step 1:- Log in to your Blogger Account and Go to your Blogger Dashboard

Step 2:- Click on -> Pages -> New Page-> Blank Page Or Click on -> Posts -> New Post-> Blank Post

Step 3:- Now choose HTML view instead of Compose view and copy the below script and paste it on the page
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Code By The Taluat --!>
var password = 'Enter_Your_Password'
password=prompt('Please enter the password to enter this post:','');
if (password != 'Enter_Your_Password') {

Step 4:- Finally hit the publish button.
For testing the password-protected page/post visit that page and see it is the required password to get access.

Customization :-

  • Alter Enter_Your_Password with page password.
  • Replace wrong_password_Redirect_URL with your 404 page URL.

To access the demo of encrypted page , please enter password thetaluat


So today we have discussed about how to Create a Password Protected Page/Post Using Simple JavaScript I hope you like this post kindly do give a comment below. If you are having problem in implementing this kindly contact me. Do visit regularly for getting more updates like this.